Ballantine’s Finest 1L
Product SKU:
Ballantine’s Finest 1L
Ballentine’s Finest 1 liter is youngest whiskey but is a blend of 50 single malts with four Scottish single grain whiskies. The ingredients mixed for Ballentine’s Finest are aged for at least 3 years in oak barrels. Because of their young age, the Ballantine’s family has prioritized the selection of new casks to produce good flavors in a short time. Ballentine’s Finest is arguably the world’s best blend of ageless (NAS) lines with rich, refined, and elegant flavors.
- Brand: Ballantine’s
- Country of Origin: Scotland
- Bottle size: 1000 ml
- ABV: 40°
NOTE: You must be of legal drinking/purchasing age in your location of residence. If there is no legal age for consuming alcohol in your location, you must be over 21.
Ballantine’s Finest 1L
Product SKU:
Ballantine’s Finest 1L
Ballentine’s Finest 1 liter is youngest whiskey but is a blend of 50 single malts with four Scottish single grain whiskies. The ingredients mixed for Ballentine’s Finest are aged for at least 3 years in oak barrels. Because of their young age, the Ballantine’s family has prioritized the selection of new casks to produce good flavors in a short time. Ballentine’s Finest is arguably the world’s best blend of ageless (NAS) lines with rich, refined, and elegant flavors.
- Brand: Ballantine’s
- Country of Origin: Scotland
- Bottle size: 1000 ml
- ABV: 40°
NOTE: You must be of legal drinking/purchasing age in your location of residence. If there is no legal age for consuming alcohol in your location, you must be over 21.
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